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Welcome to Whiskey ZEN! Pour yourself a dram or two and stay with us for a while. We'll tell you all about our latest whiskey adventures -- from the grandest whiskey festivals to the local whiskey distilleries nearest you. 

We have discovered that drinking whiskey can be someone's ZEN in a world that can be chaotic and exhausting. We believe there is always a whiskey for everyone. So check out our blog and let us help you find your ZEN in whiskey!



The Best Whiskey Glasses


Having the best whiskey glass is the clearest way to improve your drinking habit.  How often do you spend twenty or more minutes picking out the perfect bottle of whiskey for your guests only to serve it in a chipped Target juice glass?  If you can relate to this then it is time for you to invest in some high quality whiskey glasses. The right glass can make any drink better, whether it’s a sweet bourbon or a highly peated Scotch.  This is why I would recommend anyone who is a whiskey enthusiast to make space in the cabinet for the Glen Cairn whiskey glasses.  The wide base bowl allows for optimal viewing of the whiskey’s brilliant color while the tapered opening captures all the aromas of the whiskey.  Even if you don’t care about the technical design of the glass, you have to admit it’s awesome glassware to have.  The Glen Cairn glasses generally will run you around $8/glass. 

Whiskey On Ice


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This was the first whiskey fest I attended in Minneapolis.  Whiskey On Ice was held at The Depot on March 13th, 2015 featuring 300 different whiskeys from around the world.  Tickets were reasonably priced: General admission - $75 (limited to 350 tickets) and VIP - $175 (limited to 150 tickets).  The grand tasting was opened an hour earlier (4PM-5PM) for the VIP ticket holders and had access to the rare and limited whiskeys while general admission ticket holders were invited in from 5PM-8PM.  The room was spacious to accommodate the 500 attendees, but didn't feel crowded and it seemed like you had a lot of space to roam from booth to booth.  There were food and water stations at each end of the room and an outdoor "cigar lounge" where you can enjoy a smoke with your whiskey or a variety of featured cocktails.  I really hope this festival will become an annual event in Minneapolis.  If it does, I highly recommend this festival to all the whiskey enthusiasts out there!

The group at the first annual Whiskey On Ice 

The group at the first annual Whiskey On Ice



Whiskey Zen First Blog Post


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We're all about good whiskey!  We like bourbons, scotches and everything in between - particularly, if it's from the Midwest where we are all from.  Through our writing, our goal is to create the same kind of enthusiasm we have for whiskey whether its drinking whiskey, reading about whiskey or creating a whiskey of your own!