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Welcome to Whiskey ZEN! Pour yourself a dram or two and stay with us for a while. We'll tell you all about our latest whiskey adventures -- from the grandest whiskey festivals to the local whiskey distilleries nearest you. 

We have discovered that drinking whiskey can be someone's ZEN in a world that can be chaotic and exhausting. We believe there is always a whiskey for everyone. So check out our blog and let us help you find your ZEN in whiskey!



Whiskyfest 2017 Washington D.C.


Finally made it to another Whiskyfest in the Washington D.C. location.  We also purchased VIP tickets this time and had one additional hour before the general grand tasting started.  Highlights included Laphroaig 32 year single malt.

"NEAT" - Ultimate Spirits Glass


NEAT has a patented science in the creation of this spirits glass that supposedly eliminates the alcohol burn.  It has a low shape profile that delivers more flavorful aroma to the nose.  You can hold the glass in the palm to warm and the neck to cool.  Starting at the top of the spirits glass, the large surface area allows for more aromas to the nose.  The curved sides enhances the evaporation while unlocking the aromas.  The "alcohol burn" flows over the rim and away from the nose thus eliminating its unpleasantness.  And finally, there is a sweet spot in the center at rim level that delivers the intense aroma with no nose burn!

Tales from CV Whisky Society..."Blind Taste Testing"


Our Whisky Club meets once a month and every time we experience something different.  The whisky world is immense and offers endless variety.  One "meeting" we consistently bring back throughout the year is "blind tasting" day.  Three unlabeled decanters are filled and we try each of them without having any clues of what they may be.  It's a great way to eliminate the preconceived notions that a high price or popular label might bring.  If you try it, I recommend you throw a curve ball in the mix such as an Armagnac.  Then when your friend thinks it's a whisky, look them in the eye and say: "Nerd!  It's not a whisky....It's a brandy from the Armagnac region in Gascony in southwest France......duh!"

Last month's "blind tasting" included:

Clynelish 21 year

Angel's Envy Rye finished in Rum Barrels

Bowmore Devil's Casks